Cyber Adoption Links!

If you want some cool places to find cyber adoptions, then click on any of the links below! You'll find tons of amazing adoptable creatures at any of the places!

Yahoo Virtual Pet Links
The Virtual Adoption category of the Yahoo Search Engine. Lots of Adoption Agencies, though some have moved. Also search for special adoptions, many are there under different categories.
Dragonmaid's Dragon Adoption Links
Very large link list of Dragon adoption agencies - includes Firelizards, Watch Whers and other Dragonlike Creatures. Over 100 links and contains a small rating system. Also, adopt a Sanctuary Dragon or two from here.
Kat presents CyberAdoption Links
Many may know this as Candyland. Very large and comprehensive link list, creature categorized - including animals, mythical beasts, fruit and veg, and more. Also adopt a Candyland Lollipop or Magical Friends from here.


© Bex (Rebecca Staker)1998